
Speech & Language Therapist

Checklist for speech defects

If you are unsure of whether or not your child has symptoms of speech problems that relate to articulation disorders, the list below can help.
speech defects
  • Is your child’s speech or language development slow for his age?
  • Does your child pronounce some of his speech sounds incorrectly?
  • Do strangers find it difficult to understand what your child is saying?
  • Does your child stutter?
  • Are you aware of other family members who have speech or language problems?
  • Does your child receive any other therapy?
  • Does your child suffer from any other deficits that you are aware of?
  • Do people think your child is younger than he actually is because of the way he speaks?
  • Is your child being teased or is he showing frustration because of the way he talks?
  • Does your child’s interaction or play seem unusual or inappropriate?
  • Does your child frequently avoid talking?
  • Does your child have trouble with auditory comprehension tasks?
  • Was your child diagnosed with any problem that could affect his speech- or language development, such as hearing loss, auditory processing disorder, autism, Asperger’s Syndrome, developmental delay, etc.?


In addition to this checklist for speech defects, you can also use the Sound Development Chart to determine your child’s ability to pronounce sounds correctly.


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Carina Wolmarans

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