
Speech & Language Therapist

Checklist for Auditory Processing Disorder

Use this basic checklist to determine if your child may have an Auditory Processing Disorder
auditory processing disorder

Checklist for auditory processing disorders (APD):

  • Does your child find it hard to follow spoken directions, especially multi-step instructions?
  • Does your child ask speakers to repeat what they’ve said, or saying, “huh?” or “what?”
  • Is your child easily distracted or upset, especially by background noise or loud and sudden noises?
  • Does your child have trouble with reading and spelling, which require the ability to process and interpret sounds?
  • Does your child struggle with oral (word) math problems?
  • Does your child find it hard to follow conversations?
  • Does your child have a poor musical ability or find it hard to learn songs or nursery rhymes?
  • Does your child have trouble remembering details of what was read or heard (memory)
  • Does your child have communication problems?
  • Do you struggle to hear or understand what your child said?
  • Does your child struggle to tell stories or jokes?
  • Does your child struggle to concentrate, to focus on one activity?
  • Does your child seem unsure/uncertain/emotional?
  • Does your child have normal hearing?
  • Does your child confuse similar words or sounds, e.g. “big” > “bit”?
  • Does your child put the volume of music or television unusually high or unusually low?
  • Does your child exhibit poor fine motor skills (using scissors, writing neatly, holding a pencil, etc)?
  • Does your child exhibit poor gross motor skills (catching a ball, skipping, swimming, etc)?
  • Can your child perform the same simple physical activities that others of the same age can do?
  • Does your child fall over and loses balance easily or handles objects clumsily?
  • Does your child have poor personal organisation (operating within time limits, approaching tasks in a logical order, etc)?
  • Does your child become frustrated, overwhelmed or irritated more easily than most children?

In addition to working through this checklist, you should also compare your child’s development to the age-group milestones listed in this Auditory Processing Norms.

A delay in your child’s development at an early age will have a more severe effect later-on. If you are in any way concerned, rather bring her to me for a professional assessment.

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Carina Wolmarans

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